Borderlands Hentai

Cuphead The Delicious Last Course

Cuphead: Mugman and Mugman Join Mugman and Ms. Chalice in Cuphead’s Delicious Last Course, an action DLC that takes place on a different island. Experience new bosses as well as new weapons with Chalice. Chalice.

This game introduces Chalice. Chalice as a brand newly playable character that has an updated moveset as well as new capabilities. After acquiring Chalice. Chalice, you can play the DLC as well as the first Cuphead adventure featuring the character!
Take a trip around a brand new Inkwell Isle and wallop the most bizarre and terrifying bosses Cuphead has ever faced!
There are new accessories and tools to help you overcome challenges and break new records for yourself against your bosses.
Join Chef Saltbaker when he sets off on an exciting adventure that will uncover the secrets of Legendary Chalice!

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